Thursday, October 14, 2004

Our Wounded Soldiers

Shit man, this evening I saw a report on ABC news about the way some of our wounded boys are being treated by the fucking bureaucrats at the pentagon. There was a guy sleeping on his car because he could not get an apartment because the Pentagon put a claim notice agaisnt him. His crime? He reenlisted and got a $2,700 bonus and a day later he was hit by shrapnel from a mortar round. He almost died and was discharged, and the fucking bureaucrats wanted their shitty money back! Another guy lost both his arms and he was being jerked around with his discharge papers and nobody would do anything for him. And then a cop who was in the National Guard, almost lost his leg and home because the brainiacs at the Pentagon didn't want to help him after he was rehabilitated.

Boy I was angry, and because of that report a freaking three star General fixed things right away! He obviously was embarrassed but that is no excuse to treat our boys and girls that way. If you want to recruit people, then that report discouraged a great deal to enlist. Not to mention that it gives good ammo to the left and the crazy Democrats. So you dumb bureaucrats at the Pentagon get your shit together, and treat our heroes with dignity, and stop playing politics with them. Because I know what it feels like to be treated like that, especially by officers who are jerkoffs! And the thing that touched me the most is, that none of those brave men, complained about their service or their wounds! GOD BLESS THEM ALL and I hope they do well in their lives despite their difficulties.

I don't like officers. A dumb captain ended my career in the Marines. Thank you very fucking much Captain Sir! However, I still love my beloved Corps and the military. SEMPER FI

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

A Knock Out Debate for the President!

What a debate! The President wiped the floor with Kerry, and as always, FOX News gets it right. Unlike other talking heads who are saying it was a draw, FOX News call it as it is... Inside Cover Story

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Voter Registration Fraud Uncovered in Colorado

So what else is new with voter registration fraud? Aren't Republicans being accused of suppressing voter registration, and trying to steal the elections, while Democrats only try fraud but that's okay because Republicans are evil. Right? News

Guess Who is Not Paying Its Fair Share of Taxes?

We have heard Kerry talk about the rich not paying their fair share of taxes, but guess what? John and Teresa Kerry had an effective tax rate of only 12.8%, while typical middle class families had 20%, and George and Laura Bush was 30.4%. Talk about chuztpah! So, next time Kerry starts blabbing about the rich not paying their fair share, someone ought to ask him why he only pays a measly 12.8% and the rest of middle class America pays a 20%.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Boys and Girls, hear, hear, the candidate who has everything for everybody!

Second Debate

I watched last Friday debate and I was hollering at the TV. Kerry got to me because he is such a liar. He did not want to face his past and instead, attacked the President, when the President called him liberal. This guy has no guts, no backbone, no anything. He is an opportunistic, one who speaks from both sides of his mouth just to get elected. But this time the President kicked his bud and it was a licking.

Nonetheless, the partisan press said it a was draw! But what else is new. It was about time the President used the "L" word. To this, Kerry whined as being a personal attack on him. However, there was a time when Kerry was proud to call himself a liberal. So why not admit that he is a liberal? Could it be that the American people would never vote some-one into office that is an ultra liberal? I guess the American people are not fools after all.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Muslim get-out-vote unit pushes deadline

And what makes them so special?
Muslim get-out-vote unit pushes deadline

Yahoo! News - Bush, Cheney Left Off Mo. County Ballots

Things that make you go ummm?...

Yahoo! News - Bush, Cheney Left Off Mo. County Ballots

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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Is Tom Daschle Pro-Life?

What is it with libs that they won't admit who they are and would take both sides of an issue? Tom Daschle's position on abortion is typical of the politician who wants it both ways. He is running for re-election in South Dakota and it looks that perhaps he may loose that race. Tom Daschle is oppose to abortion and he rather leave it at that, because he does not want to alienate his base. John Thune the Republican challenger to Daschle's Senate seat is open about his views on abortion and he is not afraid to make them known. And that is what distinguishes conservatives from liberals. We conservatives are not afraid to make our views known.

Rapid City Journal: Serving Rapid City South Dakota

Yahoo! News - CBS Says Probe Results Unlikely Until After Election

It figures that CBS would something like this. After all, they are "the Media" and they would proceed with "caution" to bring forth the truth.
Yahoo! News - CBS Says Probe Results Unlikely Until After Election

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Don't Vote For George Bush...

Dont' vote for George Bush because .....

Adventures in The City

I love New York City. I live on Lower Manhattan, the street I live on, is lined with restaurants, shops, bars, tattoo parlors, and an array of punks. In the summer, my block gets crazy and wild, and I can't imagine myself living anywhere else. What's even more strange is that I am a conservative Republican living amongst liberals but I don't care, since Manhattan has so much to offer. So, it is not often that I see strange things that would cause bewilderment to other people not use to the city.

For instance, this afternoon after I came from work, I took my dog out for a walk. There is nothing unusual about taking your dog out for a walk. However, this afternoon was memorable in the sense that I was yelled at, by an environmental wacko. The reason I was yelled, was that my dog stopped near a tree to smell, and naturally he picked a scent, and peed on the tree. And out of nowhere this ranting lunatic came from behind me, and started yelling at me for allowing my dog to pee on it.

He was telling me that I was immoral for letting my dog pee in the tree! He went on to say the trees were essential to our survival, and that by allowing my dog to pee on the tree I was committing murder! Well he was a typical environmental wacko, Fat, bold, and probably he hadn't gotten laid for awhile. So like a good New Yorker, I told the little fat bastard to FUCK OFF! (gasp.. How can a conservative say something like that!!) And I walked off. Naturally, the frigging blimp followed me for half a block lecturing me and yelling.

Folks I'll tell you, this nut cases are everywhere, and if you allow yourself to be intimidated by these shit heads, they will have the better of you. So, I ignored him and eventually he stopped following me. But boy, it felt good to say the word fuck off when it was warranted.

Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll (

Remember that it was just two days ago that a poll by Newsweek said Kerry was leading over President Bush. Well, according by this poll by the Washington Post, President Bush still continues to lead over Kerry by 5 points. So what's going on? I think the partisan media was trying to depress those who are voting for President Bush into believing Kerry is taking the President.
Bush Has 5-Point Lead in New Poll (

Monday, October 04, 2004

Did Saddam possessed WMDs?

It seems US Forces confiscated some documents that link Saddam Hussein with WMDs and terrorism. Hmmm, I wonder if the partisan media will cover this news...Can this be a so call October surprise? Read on.. The Cybercast News Service

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Uncle Dan: White House out to 'Smear me'

what a buffoon this guy is. He is complaining the White House wants to 'smear him' after he tried to bring the President down with fake documents! What an idiot. He is an arrogant elitist, who fancies himself an 'independent journalist', who has no 'political agenda.' What's even better is that big 'anchors', are circling the wagons to defend this pathetic worm. Brokaw is accusing Brent Brozell who runs the Media Research Center as doing much damage as he can. Really? Well, Tom "Tommy Boy" Brokaw wasn't it Uncle Dan who used forged documents to report a story? I thought so. Then Peter "Canadian Bacon" Jennings said "[It's] not a natural instinct for those of us in the establishment media to cheer the country on," hypocrites.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

If you are a Republican working in a public school in NJ don't posts pictures of President Bush because you will be fire

Shiba Pillai-Diaz was fired from Crossroads South Elementary School in Monmouth Junction NJ because she posted a picture of President Bush and Laura Bush along the portraits of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and a copy of the constitution. It all started when a group of parents saw the picture and objected to it. They said that if there was a picture of Bush there ought to be a picture of Kerry!

This is BS! I read a while ago about an Ohio little girl in the DrudgeReport that she was organizing an after school program to support Kerry. She would get together with other group of kids to talk politics and bash Bush! Then her teacher gloated over her saying she was very smart, and that he wished he had more students like her! Talk about major horse shit. We have political hacks, who teach crap to our kids and when a Republican shows his colors he or she gets toasted! Talk about different opinions...Oh I forget, if you are a Demorat you can say whatever you want and if you are a Republican off with your head!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Of homeland, identity and occupation

Check this other article and see how anti-Semitic and anti-American these "educated people" really are.
Aljazeera.Net - Of homeland, identity and occupation

Propaganda News

We often hear in the Arab news about the "atrocities" US soldiers commit agaisnt the people of Iraq. I frequently check the Aljazeera news in English, to get a grasp of the situation in the Middle East, however, this site is pure propaganda. Witness the massacre of the kids who were killed by three car bombs, as they were getting candy from our boys. I went to check the site to see if they mentioned the bestial act committed agaisnt them, and guess what? That story was not mentioned. Instead they have stories of "civilians" getting killed by US troops. I honestly believe, that we need to read this site, and counteract their propaganda.
Aljazeera.Net - Three killed in US air strike on Falluja

Michael Moore Telling Democrats They Are Cry Babies

I read Liz Smith column today in the New York Post, and she had this letter that Michael Moore supposedly wrote:

"They Are relentless, and that is why we secretly admire them. They just simply never, ever give up. Only 30 percent of the country calls itself Republican, yet they own it all-the White House, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and the majority of governorships... It's because they eat you and me and every other liberal for breakfast!'' and the letter ends with the following advise:

"Enough of the doomsaying! Look at us, what a bunch of crybabies!"

Now, now dear boy, you believe that 30 percent of the country is Republican and because we are relentless we control the White House, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court. Well I have news for you, TOO BAD, GET USED TO IT, after all the Democrats had control of the government for forty years and you didn't hear a pip from any-one.