Thursday, October 07, 2004

Muslim get-out-vote unit pushes deadline

And what makes them so special?
Muslim get-out-vote unit pushes deadline

Yahoo! News - Bush, Cheney Left Off Mo. County Ballots

Things that make you go ummm?...

Yahoo! News - Bush, Cheney Left Off Mo. County Ballots

Celsius 41.11 - Order Your Copy Today

Citizens United Needs Your Help
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The American Public has a critical decision to make on
November 2nd and you have the right to know the truth.
Get your copy of the Celsius 41.11 Director’s Cut Today!
*The Director’s Cut Cannot Be Found in Stores!*

Celsius 41.11 is a gripping documentary that reveals the truth about 9/11. It explores how
George W. Bush lead our country and why your decision on November 2nd is critical to
keeping the United States safe. Get your copy today!
Citizens United is an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens control.
Through a combination of education, advocacy, and grass roots organization, Citizens United
seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise,
strong families, and national sovereignty and security. The goal of Citizens United is to restore
the founding fathers' vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good
will of its citizens.
©2004 Citizens United  1006 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE  Washington, DC 20003
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