Saturday, September 18, 2004

Did George Bush Disobey an Order to Take a Physical Exam While in the Air National Guard?

Well, I was working this morning, and lo and behold, I heard on the radio a talk show host talking about President Bush's service in the Air National Guard. Excuse me, but I do not care what happened three decades ago regarding President Bush Service in the Air National Guard, I am more interested about what is happening now! I want to know the issues concerning our country right now. Enough already! and besides didn't President Clinton served somewhere..oh I forgot he dodged the draft but it was good enough for him to become president. So what gives?

Special Forces Search Engine...

Hey for those of you hard charging go geters who are interested in military stuff check this web site I guarentee you would like what you find there...well good nite see you later.

Clinton Happens....

Yes I hate it when Clinton happens....Well I actually got this quote from Mark Levine @ WABC Radio 770 what can I tell you?