Thursday, September 16, 2004

On Being a Hispanic Republican

This is my first posting in this site. What I'd like to do is to share my views with other like minded conservative fellows. I am Hispanic and republican, and living in New York as a Hispanic republican is hard. I have been chided and derided for my conservative views, I have been told that I am crazy for being a republican because republicans are racists. A couple of weeks ago I was told by this lady-she is well educated-that once Kerry is elected I was going to be able to find work in my field! Imagine that! Just because I have not been able to find work in my field I should feel comforted by the fact that If Kerry wins, I would be able to get a job. To me this sounded a bit racist perhaps, she did not meant to say that. But, what else I might to think of this? It is funny to hear the Democrats say that it is good to listen to other points of views, that diversity is good, but whose diversity and points of view they are talking about? It certainly cannot be those of conservatives because according to them we are ignorant, racists, non intellectuals, and blah, blah, blah.

Never mind that most of us are well educated and well informed, perhaps this is what scare those Democrats. Conservatives do not think like lemmings we are individualistic, we do what is right and do what we say we are going to do. This is what a conservative is like however, for me is difficult because I am Hispanic and being a minority conservative is a sin. You are cast away and considered a traitor to your race! However, I have learned not to worry about those things because I am proud to be a conservative and at the end of the day our ideas will prevail. For now this is all I have to write. If you like what you read please I'll invite you to share your experiences with me. As time goes on I will try to improve this site and make it more interesting. Until next posting take care all of you bloggers out-there and God bless.