Lately we been hearing from certain politicians, that it would be a good idea to bring the draft back. The rationale for this is, that there would be an equitable representation of people making sacrifices. However, we already have an equitable representation of people making sacrifices in this war. It does not matter what color you are, we all bleed the same color: RED.
Charles Rangel New York Democrat first introduced a bill in Congress to reinstate the draft because he was agaisnt it. Now, John Kerry is trying to tell us, that President Bush is planning to reinstate the draft in November if he wins. Kerry is trying to scare us, but the truth is, draftees are a poor choice. The army needs educated young men, and women to fill out some of its sophisticated billets. Even in the infantry, we need soldiers with basic skills, such as math in order to do calculations to find positions on a map, how to align the mortars that support the infantry, and call for airstrikes when we find ourselves in a jam.
So, do not believe this hype about the draft, because it won't happen. As a matter of fact the armed services encountered problems trying to recruit minorities as well as to retain them in their ranks for more see this link and see if we do not have equitable representation.