I just read one of the most funny articles from a newspaper called the Wussy Times or Los Angeles Times-or something like that-It is about some guy with a big pair of cojones, who by asserting he is agaisnt our troops he is a tough guy. Well tough guy, let me tell you that I do believe in our troops, I love my country, I am patriotic, and when my time to go fight comes I will go.
No, I don't like this war, but I am a warrior. I fight because I owe a great deal to this great country of ours. I know what you thinking, I am brainwashed and an ignorant. But guess what, I am also educated like you. Really did you have to put at the end of your article that you have money and all those cliches associated with people like you.
I know what you are attempting to say in your article. Only dirt poor people-Hicks and minorities-join the military because that is the only way they can get a job or some other old liberal cliche you guys say. Hey boy? how many minorities and hicks work with you? Just wondering. When was the last time you had a black boss at your stupid newspaper?Just wandering?I don't really care that you did not join the armed forces, more power to you. However, we are not an army of people who ignore morality and defenitely we are not tools of American imperialism as you candidly put it. Far better than that, we are truly a diverse bunch of individuals who fight not for this war or whatever fantasies you devise.
We fight for us, so that we come home alive. We have conservatives, liberals, Democrats, and Republicans in our ranks something you cannot fathom, because in the end, you journos only write for other journos. I can see from your writing all you prejudices and hate, and for that I thank you. I thank you because, we need more people like you stating what you believe, do you think that for one minute most Americans who put ribbons in their homes, cars, front yards are doing so because they feel guilty that we are fighting a war "not worth" fighting?Well you are WRONG! most Americans in the heartland do not share your views and care less for your newspaper.
I fight because I love America this land with all its beauty and ugliness, because no nation is perfect. Nonetheless I rather be in America than anywhere else. And I love to say this, but there will always be a share of people willing to sign up for military service because they believe in their country. And in an ending note Joel, I did not have to joint the military, I come from a well to do family, I graduated from a well known university, I have travelled to over 25 countries and every year I travel. by the way I just got back from the Caribbean. I am fluent in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and right now I am learning Arabic. I was asked to become an officer in the Army but I rather be a salty Sergeant-I have more fun with the enlisted personnel-Worked in the finance industry, got bored and went into law enforcement and many other things I could tell you, but you can understand how it is since you are also a money guy yourself.
P.S. If someone tries to kick your butt let me know, I am willing to defend your sorry ass even though is beyong my comprehension why someone would want to waste his or her time with you.
Read the article: Warriors and wusses - Los Angeles Times