Sunday, October 03, 2004

Uncle Dan: White House out to 'Smear me'

what a buffoon this guy is. He is complaining the White House wants to 'smear him' after he tried to bring the President down with fake documents! What an idiot. He is an arrogant elitist, who fancies himself an 'independent journalist', who has no 'political agenda.' What's even better is that big 'anchors', are circling the wagons to defend this pathetic worm. Brokaw is accusing Brent Brozell who runs the Media Research Center as doing much damage as he can. Really? Well, Tom "Tommy Boy" Brokaw wasn't it Uncle Dan who used forged documents to report a story? I thought so. Then Peter "Canadian Bacon" Jennings said "[It's] not a natural instinct for those of us in the establishment media to cheer the country on," hypocrites.