Monday, September 20, 2004

Mothers of Soldiers Serving in Iraq Agaisnt the War?

It seems unbelievable but The Democratic National Committee invited mothers of American military personnel serving in Iraq to denounce President Bush. Excuse me, but, this is akin to The Republican National Committee asking the mothers of American soldiers during WW II to denounce President Roosevelt's war effort. How low are these people willing to go? Have the Democrats gone insane-perhaps they already have-because this smacks of sedition. I am sympathetic to those mothers who have lost their sons and daughters, but we must remember that on September 11, 2001 we lost more American lives than we lost in Pearl Harbor. American lives lost at Pearl Harbor were 2,400 with another 1,200 wounded. And in September 11 the number of American who died in this horrendous act was:

World Trade Center: 2,830 dead and Missing
The Pentagon: 123
American Airlines Flight 77: 64
American Airlines Flight 11: 92
United Airlines Flight 175: 65
United Airlines Flight 93: 45

So, the sum of these unspeakable acts is 3,096 lives lost in a space of about 3 hours! Now ask yourself this question, what are we the United States ought to do? Sit back and find a way to understand those who are trying to kill us? NO! We fight back, that's what we do. We fight hard and with resolution because September 11, 2001 changed our perspective about terrorism.Since the 1970s we viewed terrorism as a law enforcement issue, sure our government took some action here and there, but nothing serious as to what President Bush is doing. Therefore, is no wonder terrorists felt they could strike and get away with it, because Western countries were unwilling to challenge them. They preferred to negotiate or bribe terrorists, but this only encouraged the terrorists even more to the point that they became deadlier and bolder. Remember November 4, 1979? Iranians radicals seized the US Embassy in Teheran taking sixty-six American Diplomats.

The Carter Administration ordered a rescue mission, but the mission ended in disaster when several helicopters encountered mechanical problems, and another helicopter crashed into a C130 aircraft. And Europe was shocked and surprised that the mission took place without advance consultation from the Americans, sound familiar? And guess what the European Economic Community do? They agreed to threaten sanctions against Iran hoping to prevent the use of force! Now Iran is building an A-Bomb and ignoring the IAEA request to stop its nuclear ambitions. Another bold and deadlier attack occurred October 23, 1983 in Beirut when a 12,000 lb bomb detonated destroying a US Marine Corps base killing two hundred and forty oneAmericans.

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility and we responded by pulling out of Beirut. In essence terrorists have been killing Americans for years, and after the horrors of September 11, America said enough is enough! We are going to bring this fight to your backyard and we will annihilate you. This is a sensible choice to make because if we choose not to fight, thousands of Americans will be killed in our cities again. So, when Terry 'The Punk' McAuliffe says that they need to talk realistically about what's happening and that we need to tell the parents of the 1,000 soldiers killed in Iraq that the situation there is pessimistic, Terry 'The Punk' McAuliffe is undermining the war effort. And that also goes to another fellow traveler, Ricky Holbroke. Ricky Holbrooke said on CBS's Face the Nation "We have a classic mismatch between resources and mission. The current course within the current resources is not achievable. If you want to achieve that course, you're going to have to talk about additional forces, and they are not going to come from our allies, or you're going to have to look for a way to get the political settlement".

So what is going on with these Democrats? They do not understand that we cannot look for diplomatic solutions. Europe is not capable to fight this war militarily, except for Britain and a few other allies. America must defend itself because lets face it, this fight is for our Republic. The young men and women who join our military understand the risks. We do not have a conscript army, our forces are professional. America does not send its sons and daughters to get killed indiscriminately, we do all we can to avoid fighting. This fight was brought to us, we did not ask for it. And if things are going bad in Iraq for now, remember that we have been there for only 18 months. We have been in Germany for 57 years and we are still there.

Terrorists in Iraq are destroying the infrastructure, killing civilians, the police, the Americans and those who are perceive as collaborating with the occupiers. This is not new. We suffered the same fate in Germany after her defeat. We fought a group of organized Hitler Youth called Nazi Werewolf. They specialized in ambushes and snipping, and killed many allies and Soviet soldiers and officers. It was not until 1949 when the Cold War was under way that these misfits faded. So for the Democrats to try to undermine the war effort by using the mothers of those soldiers killed in Iraq is reprehensible, and traitorous at best. Therefore, I will encourage Terry 'The Punk' McAuliffe and Ricky Holbrooke to inform themselves before they start to dispense advise about Iraq and the war on terrorism. I will suggest to these two clowns to start by searching the website of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation to look at the timeline of terrorists acts committed since 1946. They may learn something.

CBS was Misled!

Great! Finally CBS has admitted they were misled. But how many days it took for them to admit they were wrong? I guess the guys in pajamas who are not "professional journalists" were right after all. I wonder how uncle Dan is feeling?

President Bush: Smart or Stupid?

Sunday afternoon I caught a little bit of a local radio show that I enjoy listening too. There was a Democrat analysts that often contributes to FOX News analyzing the President's intellect. He was wondering whether the President is an intellectual! What is the problem with these people? Just because the president is a plain spoken person, who can relate to the American people by not using big words, not being arrogant, and feeling superior to others, the President is an idiot.

Have you seen the way Kerry acts? He is not humble, one can see his arrogance, he likes to show how smart he is, after all he told us he has a better plan on how to do things in Iraq. His plan is a smart plan, but he cannot tell us what that plan is because it is a secret plan. The President is staying the course in Iraq, he is not wavering, he has a vision and he has told us what his plans are for the future of Iraq. The president envisions an Iraq where people are free, free to do what they want, a democratic Middle Eastern country, and for this the President lacks intellect? The American public would decide in seven weeks whether our President is smart or stupid. But I already know the answer to that question. Do you?