Monday, September 20, 2004

President Bush: Smart or Stupid?

Sunday afternoon I caught a little bit of a local radio show that I enjoy listening too. There was a Democrat analysts that often contributes to FOX News analyzing the President's intellect. He was wondering whether the President is an intellectual! What is the problem with these people? Just because the president is a plain spoken person, who can relate to the American people by not using big words, not being arrogant, and feeling superior to others, the President is an idiot.

Have you seen the way Kerry acts? He is not humble, one can see his arrogance, he likes to show how smart he is, after all he told us he has a better plan on how to do things in Iraq. His plan is a smart plan, but he cannot tell us what that plan is because it is a secret plan. The President is staying the course in Iraq, he is not wavering, he has a vision and he has told us what his plans are for the future of Iraq. The president envisions an Iraq where people are free, free to do what they want, a democratic Middle Eastern country, and for this the President lacks intellect? The American public would decide in seven weeks whether our President is smart or stupid. But I already know the answer to that question. Do you?

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