Hi boys and girls! Here is a crazy thing I came upon today. An activist who is inviting chicks to use their assets to save the world! Wow! Now we are going to have a whole bunch of chicks running around nude saving the world!There is only one problem. Islamofascists don't care about women. See the one above. One of the many women executed in public at a stadium in Afghanistan before we went in! So you see boys and girls, women are sub-humans with no rights! They are mere property to islamofascists. And lets remember also that those Islamofascists are terrorists, and they are animals whose only mission in life, is to kill innocent people no matter who they are. Another thing, terrorism is "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated agaisnt noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents." Well this is the definition officially giving by the U.S. and I know there will be a whole bunch of you who will go nuts over this, since our government is evil and repressive, especially if they are REPUBLICANS.