Saturday, July 30, 2005

IOL: Mugabe is another Idi Amin, says Uganda


Communist dictator, Robert Mugabe, who came to power in Zimbabwe in 1980 after a vicious civil war, has publicly proclaimed: “Farmers are enemies of the state!”; “We have degrees in violence”; “What Hitler did to the Jews, I will do to the Whites - tenfold!”; “I will be a Black Hitler – tenfold!”; “The Revolution is yet to be concluded…we have set the rules!…those farmers who resist will die!”

I could have swore that about a month ago there was a concert called Live Aid...was this concert suppossed to address the problems Africa is facing regarding its poverty. Funny I did not hear any mention of Rhodesia..oh excuse me Zimbabwe, and how Mugabe has destroyed this once prosperous nation in Africa. I bet I won't be hearing how brutal and evil this country is from lefties, especially some Canadians, who love to hate the United States(do not misunderstand me, I like Canada but boy, you have some crazies out-there!)

IOL: Mugabe is another Idi Amin, says Uganda

Carter: Guantanamo Detentions Disgraceful

It is amazing how stupid some people who were powerful at some point in their lives are. Jimmy Carter exemplifies this observation. Here we have a former President of the United States criticizing the way we hold those filthy terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. For crying out-loud what are we supposed to do with people who are determined to kill us?

Are we to close Guantanamo Bay and transfer all those "insurgents" to jails across the United States? Well Mr. Carter such suggestions from you are not uncommon as reflected in an article published by Robert Tracinski July 27, 2004. 34 Months vs. 444 Days: There Jimmy Carter Goes Again, Blaming America For His Failures Mr. Carter, America has changed since we were bloddied in September 11, 2001!
Carter: Guantanamo Detentions Disgraceful