Okay boys and girls, I know that there are many of you out-there who do not like the President. But, given all the crazy crap going on the world right know why in the heck will someone write a column about how fit the President is? Come on, give me a break! Everything this President does is ridiculed, scrutinized, analyzed by the elites, and criticized. Now a columnist writing-whining more likely- for the Los Angeles Times penned a column about how much the President exercises. Shit man cut the bro a brake! I believe it is good we have a President, who exercises. Unlike another President who pretended to exercise, and then run off to Mickey D's to stuff his face with Big Macs..Any-one?, Any-one?, Any-one? But then, the partisan press never said "Unfortunately, most of us have more demanding jobs than he does." Oh really? Since when journalist think they have important jobs? I guess the partisan media is going insane, about how the President, is handling the stress that comes with a "not so demanding job" unlike a very important job, such as being
brown nose journalists perhaps.
Los Angeles Times: The (over)exercise of power