Wednesday, February 15, 2006


It is amusing to read about how horrible the United States is. Funny thought, that those artists who produce movies and documentaries portraying the United States as an out of control imperialist nation, never bother to make documentaries about the Sudan, showing Muslims enslaving Christians, the Cuban gulag, the North Korean regime and endless atrocities committed through out third world countries agaisnt their citizens.

It is all too easy to criticize the United States because people know that there will be no repercursions for speaking agaisnt the U.S. government. I dare Mr. Winterbotton, the British director who produced "The Road to Guantanamo" to make a documentary showing how political prisoners are really treated in that grand paradise of Cuba. Of course he will not do it because he will probably be beat up or worse yet, dissappeared.

BREITBART.COM - Guantanamo film cheered in Berlinale competition

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